Have you seen the movie Julie and Julia? Or read the book? Julie Powell became an internet celebrity with her 2004 blog recording her yearlong adventure cooking every recipe in Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking. I am taking on a similar challenge, only I am blogging my way through a very healthy cookbook! And I will learn to master the art of healthy cooking! The book is called Eat For Health by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, M.D. I will cook every recipe start to finish in four weeks just as they are laid out in the book. I will write about the recipes, show you pictures, and tell you how my SAD (Standard American Diet) eating, carnivorous husband likes them too. (See archives below.) He is behind me 100%!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 25/ Phase 4/ Week 4

Haze wants to know if he gets to have a giant chicken and mashed potatoes after the 28 days is over. He was joking (sort of) but I made a deal with him. He can eat chicken and steak if he promises to read a few pages that I select from a few websites and/or books. I am thinking GoVeg.com, and the book Skinny Bitch. The chapter called You Are What You Eat made me cry. (Skinny Bitch is a great book by the way!!) He is still craving meat, even though he is full, even though he likes his meals, even though he gets desserts. BUT, he did not agree to the deal--I think he knows better! He loves animals just as much as I do (we have 3 dogs and if I would let him we would have 10) So we are plowing forward, and doing our best! Haze has lost a total of 16 pounds and I have lost 8!! He looks soooooooo good!! We both feel sooooooo good! I am totally over the whole salt thing--it's amazing how great food tastes when you can actually taste the food. And I know Haze will eventually be over it too--because we are forging ahead!!
Yesterdays fare:
Chocolate Smoothie
We reviewed this smoothie in Phase 3, so instead we had our favorite Eat Your Greens Smoothies
Eggplant Hummus
Whole-grain tortilla, romaine, red pepper, tomato
Raisin Coleslaw
I used Smoked Paprika in this hummus--and it was fabulous! I made my wrap with lettuce, pepper, and tomato and it was great! Haze used the leftover Greek Chickpea Salad in his wrap--with the Eggplant Hummus on top. We both gave it a B+. I did not love the Raisin Coleslaw dressing. (I LOVED the salad mixture--but just not the dressing) (I would give it a C-) So... I used the coleslaw dressing recipe called Sunshine Slaw from Phase 1--which I love!! So Raisin Coleslaw salad + Sunshine Slaw dressing = A+ coleslaw!!


Asparagus Shitake Salad
Creamy Sesame Dressing
Hearty Vegetable Stew
This salad was truly FABULOUS. The warm mushrooms and asparagus on top of the salad sort of "melted" the creamy dressing and it was just soooo good. Total comfort-food salad. We gave it an A. The soup.....not so much. Our dinner conversation regarding the soup ended in, "Just shut up and eat your food." (ha ha ha!!) It called for cinnamon (which I added) but even without, I don't think we would like it. It was not very exciting, and sort of time-consuming to make. I gave it a C/ Haze sort of generously gave it a C-


Strawberry Pineapple Sorbet
I totally read this recipe wrong, and purchased frozen (fresh) pineapple instead of dried. But it was still great!! Haze love love LOVED it and gave it an A+!! Me too! I used frozen strawberries, frozen pineapple, dates, and soy milk. YUM!


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